Wednesday 24 February 2021

Clogged by Fear
unlocking a true face of love

You know love is many things but one thing it is undoubtedly is the sense to allow those you "love", the freedom to channel their fullest potential. But they can’t channel this brilliance, this genius without the safe space to allow for that channel to open through an absence of fear and intimidation. You need to give your “loved ones” the freedom and space to channel their muse, to channel whatever creative force it is that needs to be expressed, to come through them. That creative force may come but will never be allowed to breathe. Will never be grabbed and shared or recorded or whatever it is that you yourself need to do with it as a creative force in order for it to be channeled in its purest, unintimidated form. It can’t be channeled unless it can come through and be given that voice, whatever that voice may manifest as.....unharmed, untainted, untouched, unaltered by hands and heads but the vessel itself. 

This has just presented itself as an additional observation I'd like to add to what I've learned from Elizabeth Gilbert about how one needs to show up for their job as a writer, as a singer, poet, painter, dancer, artist of some kind, as a creative force…even a scientist and especially a thinker…you show up and whether your muse shows up for their job or not is not your responsibility. You just need to be there, open and ready to receive. (And in this way, freeing you from the pressures of your ego's need to possess your genius and hence continually struggle to live up to it.) But if you’re not free enough to receive then you cannot be a channel. Not a complete one at least. You’d be like a dam, not letting the water flow. You’d be damned. Damned to silence. To not allowing the genius to flow because someone hasn’t given you the love and hence the freedom, the safety, the freeing and unchoking of one’s channel. 

Which is also, at the end of the day, one of the ironies of what a conservative, repressive culture is, that considers itself not only religious, but THE religious ideal. The highest form of what’s right and what’s decent. Because that muse that one can channel, that genius that you open yourself up to receiving gifts from, to many is considered the incarnation of God, coming through you, as you, expressing through you your uniqueness to receive a particular type of expression that manifests as your “God” given voice. So if you consider yourself a religious ideal how can you be considered messengers of God if you oppress and deny your loved ones the safe haven to receive "God’s” gifts. If you don’t allow them to unblock the dam, to unlock the channel and receive their gifts, their muse, their inspiration, to create or record, to relay, to be a sound box for the voice of God, for the images of God, for the words, for the joy, for the pain, for the movement, the colours, the shapes, the science, the ideas. All the things one can receive when the channel is open and uninhibited in that safe haven that's their God given right to exist in when they show up for the work, ready to open up to it. Work they won't be able to access truthfully in their oppressive state, in their coma of sorts. Or that they access in secret but aren’t able to let breathe and share, inspire or teach. Inspiration alone comes from that channel that’s allowed to breathe enough to inspire others. If you’re oppressed then how can you connect and inspire others to breathe their brilliance and in turn inspire others again and allow a chain of channeled love, a chain of God energy to even commence and process. 

So, choked by oppression and the absence of safety to channel, you are clogged by fear and therefore your God is clogged, your love is clogged. Your God energy cannot pass through and hence can't share it with others and therefore can't feel true love or know it to express it and share it.

Perhaps a more importantly universal idea I'd like to recognize is that not only can repression cause the fear that will allow one's genius channels to get clogged but that it places a very paralyzing chokehold, a spell if you will, on a person's channel that prevents one from having the courage to even recognize that it's even blocked in the first place. Instead, ideas and "genius" are still celebrated worldwide and encouraged when in fact they're merely tainted, controlled, choked, dead ideas that are copied and influenced, not by your God genius but dictated by your oppressors and the fear that has built boundaries that is cutting off your endless potential.
So what you end up channeling is a different form of channeled art or energy or words. These are words that have been played with and scared into submission. Words and images and colors and forms that have been distorted by fear. Therefore the love that you inspire and share is also distorted by fear and what you influence in others is also something that's been distorted and you pass it on and continue to clog people's freedom to recognize their true God genius and ability to express what they've been put on this earth to breathe or to let breathe. Most people don't even know that what they're channeling is something that isn't them at all but your chokehold on their potential God energy.